Today's quest includes finding free land. Maria and I did extensive map research early this morning using Seattle's 2010 Bike Map. Although "beggars shouldn't be choosers"; we do want to remain a one car (or less) family and live in a walkable community. We hope to find something close (aka walkable) to the neighborhood centers of Wallingford, Fremont, Ballard, Greenlake or Queen Anne. Of course other areas such as Capitol Hill, Columbia City, West Seattle, Seward Park (etc) are awesome and we would love land there too. Maria has spent her whole life in Wallingford so it is our most desired neighborhood, but she told me she will be flexible if necessary.
Yes, this makes our mission even crazier because these areas some of Seattle's most expensive real estate, but si levi. If you are going to go on a crazy mission, you might as well go for it!
Already Breaking the Rules
We already have to break one of our rules. To respect craigslist.org's policies (because craigslist is awesome and we want to respect it), we can not post "wanted" adds in the free section. So, we have posted an add for "free" land in the "item's wanted" section - but we will be asking for "free items".
We also added a 6th rule: We will gladly accept donated advice, expertise and labor whether this be through craigslist or word of mouth. Our main quest is to see if we can gather enough materials through the free section to actually build a house, so we will happily accept volunteers :)
Maria is a bit skeptical that we can find land for free (as am I) so she decided to nap off her concerns immediately following our property search.
Kristy! This is such a cool idea and I can't think of a better team to attempt it!